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Resolution 258 : One & Six Year Plan

Resolution 259 : Municipal Annual Cert Program

Resolution 260 : 2021/2022 Final Tax Request

Resolution 261 : Safety Deposit Box

Resolution 262 : Year End Street Superintendent

Resolution 263 : Property Tax Request

Resolution 264 : EB Bar Settlement

Resolution 265 : Safety Deposit Box

Resolution 268 : Property Tax Request 

Resolution 269 : Municipal Incorporation

Resolution 271 : 2022 Certification of Road Program Compliance

Resolution 274 : Signatures

Resolution 275 : Luebbe Plat Vacation

Resolution 276 : Luebbe Replat  - Post Subdivision

Resolution 277 : Final Tax Request 2022-2023

Resolution 278 : One & Six Year Plan 2023

Resolution 279  2023 Certification of Road Program Compliance

Resolution 280 : Jensen Subdivision

Resolution 281 : Year End Street Superintendent 2023

Resolution 282 : Safety Deposit Box

Resolution 283 : Authorized Signers

Resolution 284 : LEOP Agreement


Ordinance 256 : Budget Approval

Ordinance 260 : CDA formation for TIF

Ordinance 261: Annexation Beck Hybrid

Ordinance 263 : Budget Approval 2022/2023

Ordinance 264 : Budget Approval 2023/2024

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